Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Older photos and a 'volunteering face'

My computer photo storage is so random that one of these photos was entitled, 'mushrooms in the garden.'  Of course it's me with the kids in the early days. Oh, the chubby cheek years. I fear my laptop will grind to a halt and I will lose most of my photos in the digital ether. I have some on Flickr although I'm close to my free limit.
Yesterday, a woman asked me to help in the school garden because she said I had, 'a volunteering face.' I told her I was committed to volunteering 3 times this week - in the school office, then at my girl's playgroup, then another local school. She let me off the garden.
I'm doing volunteering in schools, as I am mulling over the idea of teacher training in future. It's amazing how many people try and put you off - or just give a sharp intake of breath. Oh well. 'We'll see..,' as my dad always used to say.

So that's the reason my blog has been quiet again. My volunteering visage. And a general sense of  'float-y' contentment. May and June:  the months of longer days and aspirant plans.

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