Thursday, March 23, 2006
The Last Puff

Monday, March 20, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006
The Blind Men and the Elephant

Shifts in perspective never cease to amaze me. See above the work of pavement artist, Julian Beever, viewed from two different angles. It's like that when I come to write my blog. One minute I feel I have semi interesting things to say, the next minute I feel it's all random trivia and who am I to write it? I'm sure I'm not alone in this vacillation.
Sometimes I feel an urge to explain more about the illness I've had for over 20 years. During the worst years I was so severely affected I couldn't walk, talk, watch TV, read or do anything really, other than lie in a dark room in constant pain. Today my life is much more bearable but it still carries huge paradoxes.
When I go out to meet friends they see the best of me. I get revved up on adrenalin and (for an hour or two) I can look as well as the next person. But I always have symptoms of physical pain, weakness and a kind of 'cellular gasping' feeling that is hard to describe. It's as if my cells have asthma and are begging me to lie down. There can also be a 'poisoned malaise'. Like a bad hangover from a cocktail of horse tranquilizers with a dash of arsenic. And the only way I can 'afford' to get out for a few hours is to spend the other 70 or 80% of my day horizontal: ie bed or sofa.
No wonder Joe Public can be skeptical about ME/CFS. (God awful shambles of a name for an illness but I won't get started on that). If I saw myself out and about, *I, myself* would think I looked well and I must be exaggerating about my health problems. I really would.
I've reached a point where I'm trying to stop caring what other people's theories/judgments are. I remember someone once told me that their boyfriend thought I had anorexia. I don't. But that's a terrible illness too. He just mistaken, not malicious. In fact, I hope to live my whole life believing that no one is ever deliberately malicious, just misinformed. If they knew better, they wouldn't judge or speculate erroneously. Myself included. Further reading-
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
'Glasgow, you slag...'

Saturday, March 04, 2006
Just a Wee One