So the best and the worst of presents....when I was fourteen I longed for a pair of cowboy boots, like these:

My aunty sent me a parcel and I slipped my finger through a little crack in the wrapping paper. I could feel a soft expanse of what I thought was leather. I was mentally wearing those boots already, wanting to be cool and desirable at the school dance. When I opened the parcel, this was what the 'leather' turned out to be:

Yes. Another great moment of present anti-climax came in the form of a desk sharpener. My dad still uses it to this day - he loves it - but to an 8 year old girl it was dull as a slug on valium .
Here's a picture of one of my best childhood presents ever. Even when the tail fell off, I used to make Sindy gallop up the carpet on a horse with an unfortunate hole in it's bum.