Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Very Fabric of Daily Life

Oh, the miscellaneousness of life. I had to look that one up on www. Shoudn't it be miscellany? I am by nature, a writer of lists. These lists lie around my room until I tick off most of the items - always leaving a few to be carried over to the next post-it note. So this week's hierachy reads -

Tidy desk
organic oats
get window sealing tape from B&Q
change doctor and ask for vitamin injections
read stories for class
do more writing?
novel /memoir??

Usually the things at the end of the list have one or more question marks beside them.

I read a great poem this week called 'Habit' by American poet Jane Hirschfield. It illuminates how much of the daily routine is habit. We're so used to it - we don't notice 'the way the toothbrush is shaken dry after use' and the way we continue to choose our favourite cup. It seems as if habit chooses us...

'And we, it's good horse,
opening our mouths at even the sight of the bit.'

I hope I'm not breaching copyright laws here (no favourite cup in jail). It's just a taster for those who might like Jane Hirschfield.

I just got an e mail from Stuart, asking if he's left his umbrella in my car -

"the loss is threatening the very fabric of my daily life!"

You see what I mean? The very fabric of my own life is supported by the following inventions dear to my heart -

broadband internet (no way back from dial-up)
the electric toothbrush (no way back from manual!)
hot water bottles (an enduring classic of beautiful simplicity)
the Television (much maligned)
my smoothie maker......

oh, I could go on and on. There are so many if you stop to think.
Better go and get on with that list then.


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