Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Computer says No

Friends, Romans and Countrymen, I have missed you. I still miss you. My laptop is misbehaving to a level that urges me to lob it out the window. I am unable to blog from home. I can send the odd webmail but not consistently. I can't do attachments or myspace. I have done all the spy bot, defrag, anti viral stuff that friends have taught me over the years. Decision time is looming on whether I should buy a new laptop. Major purchase decisions are not my forte. I can take about 2 months to choose a new pair of shoes. I might have one last attempt and phone the local laptop fixer shop where the tech heads start by asking me questions like, 'Could something be covering the air vent?' (What, like a matress? Only if I'm planning on arson).
My car is also broken. I'm off to the dentist soon. Maybe they'll suggest dentures.

1 comment:

nmj said...

ah, c, i miss your emails, you are one of my frequent flyers, a new laptop will be good, lovely for a while, but will no doubt bring a new set of probs, i hate computers and how they devour us . . . hope things are good with you, will do a byres rd catch up soon, nmj