Thursday, March 29, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Dam fine?

Sunday, March 11, 2007
What Poker Face?

Nice Man is producing a forthcoming album by new Glasgow band, The Attic Lights. The photo above is a wee shrine of kitsch-ery that a Japanese fan sent them. Aww. I am not so blinded by love for Nice Man, that I like all his musical endeavours. Indeed, he is fully aware of this fact because I have a rubbish 'poker face' and can't fake enthusiasm. But - hoorah - my face tells the truth when I say I am a fan of the Attic Lights. Equally important, they are thoughtful, kind lads who offered me a lone chair and plenty of carrot cake at their recent video shoot. For this I wish them platinum album sales.
Nice Man and I went to Edinburgh this weekend to visit his friends and family. I was more ME-ish than I predicted. On paper, I know I can be myself and lie on the couch or take short breaks as much as I feel I need to. On paper. In reality I am not very good at this and I Try Too Hard. If we have muscles for politeness, mine are gently aching after exertion. Like I said before - I have to learn to be a NANE and give up the hovering urge to explain myself, if I don't feel up to it.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Thanking ye and TV
I started watching season 5 (or 6?) of The Sopranos last night. Tony Soprano was so rotund I though he'd keel over from a heart attack at any moment. A bullet got there first, but of course he can hardly die in episode one, can he? I watch less TV than ever before, but maybe that's a good thing. I only like watching programmes if I can discuss them later with friends and now that we've all got at least 47 channels, you don't get that warm community-viewing feeling. Still, I like being loyal to channel 4 and BBC 1 and 2; the old reliables.