Monday, December 11, 2023



It's been so long, I've forgotten how to blog. I was hiding from the internet.  Now it's Christmas time, I thought I could risk a wee post. 

I went to see my old pals, Belle and Sebastian play at Paisley Town Hall. Christmas lights floated gaily above the River Cart. It was unexpectedly pretty. I'm not much of a photographer, but you get the gist. 

It was funny to hover at the merch table and see people buying T-shirts with my face on.

One family came in, and the Dad and two teenage daughters were ALL wearing the 'Sinister' T-shirt with my face on. It would have been amiss not to say hello. 

The show itself was firing on all cylinders. Even The Simpsons approved. 

Marisa Privitera, Stuart's lovely wife, is never one to miss a selfie. 

Me and my goofy glasses. Doh! Marisa's is a very talented photographer and has a lovely website here.  

Teenage Fanclub finished their long and happy European Tour.  The dog only had to wait six weeks for her postcard.

Anyway, I've no big philosphical insights to claw after in this seasonal post. I can leave all my climate change campaigning for next year. 

When I post a petition on Facebook to Phase Out Fossil Fuels, I'M lucky if I get two likes. If I posted our dog in a Santa jumper, it might get two hundred. 

Did Trump get a hold of that algorithm? 

So yeah, this is just a few words to wish you a peaceful Christmas time. 

Every day that I'm well and content, with a healthy family is a luxurious miracle and something I never take for granted. 

There's no need to dress that up in fancy phrasing. It speaks for itself and, in this crazy world,  there's no bigger gift. 

1 comment:

Yves Kincaid said...

Feel blessed too, Ciara, esp with all the whacko, disturbing, geopolitical crimes taking place daily across our planet and brought right into our 'comfortable' living rooms. It's the little things to hold on to, as it often feels like it's all we've got right now. XXX