Monday, March 09, 2020

Surreal Times - The Threat of Coronavirus

Do you remember that scene in the movie, JAWS? 

The policeman and the marine biologist beg the mayor to close the beach, and the mayor refuses to close the beach because it will harm the tourist trade?

That's how I feel about Corona Virus. Governments should be doing all they can to implement Social Distancing now. I think we need to shut down non-essential travel. They will have to anyway (IMHO), but by then, thousands more lives will be at risk.

People who say,  I'll take my chances, don't realise they are  increasing risk for others. The virus has an incubation period of up-to two weeks. Just think of all that time to shed virus particles... (flu incubates in 2 to 4 days, by comparison).

I'm finding it hard to know what to do. I've had to cancel work due to my girl being off school with a debilitating cough, lasting weeks. 

 I'm glad I'm not in paid employment because I need to be here to look after the kids (unpaid, underated work, of course), when the government finally has to shut schools.

The news from Italy is just so horribly worrying. Doctors write on twitter of hospital intensive care units being overwhelmed. Approximately 10% of cases need intensive care. 

I hate being a so-called scare-monger. But I do think people need to press for swifter action. 

I find it hard to keep all this from the kids. I make sure they can't hear the news on TV or radio. They are being told to wash their hands 5 or 6 times a day at school. Some of the kids have eczema flares on their hands. Hard.

I'm ready to do our best to try and limit community spread. I'm mentally kissing our foreign holiday goodbye. I'm convinced we are in this fight for the long haul. 

If only the planet could have enough co-operation to deal with the Corona Virus threat - let's face it, pandemic - AND the global climate crisis at the same time. Fly less, start to learn safer, more  sustainable ways of living. Our kids would thank us. And then some. 

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