Sunday, December 23, 2007
Greetings of the season
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
We were there to film outfits in Harris Tweed, but the shocker of the evening happened when a model's hair caught fire. Thank the Lordio that she was okay in the end. She was a gorgeous black girl with a stunning Afro, and a candle caught her hair from behind. The flames shot up a foot high (flammable hairspray) and the audience screamed. The model took a couple of seconds to realise what was happening before a bouncer leapt on the stage and started slapping down the flames. I think they wrapped her head in a heavy curtain to put out the fire.
Subsequent models kept coming on to the stage but the audience couldn't relax until the hair-fire model came on again at the end, wearing a Harris Tweed coat. You could smell the burnt hair and see her Afro clumped like a matted poodle at the back, but she strutted beautifully, gave one last turn and blew the audience a kiss, as we whooped and cheered in relief.
The fashion show was for a great cause - Maggie's Centres, built to help support people with cancer and their relatives in a non hospital setting.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Nearly November
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
In praise of soft water

Friday, October 05, 2007
Hey Ricky, one more time...

Thursday, October 04, 2007
Her with the big ears?

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
James McAvoy talks about...
Monday, September 24, 2007
We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successfull...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A Mighty Heart

Where's the UHT milk of human kindness?
The dinky-sized milk cartons in the fridge cabinet had sold out, so I thought I'd improvise and get her a cup of behind-the-counter-milk, used for coffees. I apologized that it wouldn't be chilled: it's UHT from a cupboard (where cartons of it are stacked like bricks in polythene).
Apparently this action was verging on a crime. At very least, it was a spanner in the works of a well oiled machine. Two fingers to order and authority! Everyone started flapping slightly and the supervisor said, we don't serve that milk. That milk is for coffees.
I felt bad for the customer - when I'm a customer myself I hate being made to feel as if I am a problem. Reluctantly the boss poured the wrong milk into a polystyrene cup and handed it over. Someone suggested 30 pence and I rang it through the till under miscellaneous.
I tried to apologise to the boss, but I was still narked, so I'm sure my 'apology' wasn't giving off the best vibes. I asked what I should do in future. She shrugged and said, I suppose you can sell it like that, but it's really for the coffees and we don't want to sell it all like that.
I know it's a wee thing. It's not George Bush versus Iraq. I just always want to be one of these people who do their best for the customers, even if it means bending rules. Maybe especially if it means bending rules. I have never been good with authority.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Blog guilt, Good biscuits, Producer/Directors
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
End in sight for laptop saga - I hope?
Monday, September 03, 2007
Still in PC blackout...
Friday, August 31, 2007
Nay Luck
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Mind the Gap
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I knew it!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Quietly Amazed

Friday, August 10, 2007
Rage against the machine

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Random disparity and flying saucepans
Thursday, August 02, 2007
A waste of trees and cornflakes

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Strapless, you say?

Monday, July 23, 2007
Four Firemen
Friday, July 20, 2007
There it's there

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Hung out to dry
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Whisking the cake mixture of Life
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
I sorely miss my internet!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Listen Again Links
To Listen Again, click here , then scroll down and click on Give Me a Voice.
For the Medical Matters follow-up click here (also one week only).
More blogging if I ever get my blimmin' Internet fixed! Talk about Chinese water torture...
Thanks to the producers at Radio Scotland for their hard work and enthusiasm.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Give Me a Voice - Radio Scotland
Give Me A Voice
Continuing the series where BBC Radio Scotland gives a voice to another issue from a very personal point of view. Ciara MacLaverty talks frankly about how she has lived with ME for the past 20 years. She reveals how she's fighting a devastating illness as well as battling with the public's misunderstanding of her condition.
Medical Matters
Following on from Ciara MacLaverty's experiences, Cathy MacDonald reveals the cutting edge research aimed at finding a cure for ME. Tackling the difficult nature of the disease head on, she explores the widespread conceptions about it and some of the alternative therapies which have proved helpful for some sufferers.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Get that investigated in'tae
Thursday, June 21, 2007
What is going on?
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Things you don't know at the time
Monday, June 18, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Of course I emailed you..
Friday, June 01, 2007
Still no email
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The recorded message...
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Not Another Highland Wedding?

A quarter to nine for breakfast. Check out by ten.
On the drive home we stopped in a lay-by overlooking Rannoch Moor. There was a piper in full regalia busking for foreign tourists (who all seem to wear black and red gortex anoraks). His bagpipes were competing with the chug of a burger van generator amidst the general wafting of chip fat. We took my waterproof tartan blanket and hid behind a hillock where we stumbled upon two young deer with velvety antlers, chewing the heather and staring at us from a couple of sofa lengths away. Lovely.
I feel very wrecked again tonight. No boasting about MT improvements for now! I'll see how next week goes.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I have my days
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
These Things I Know (for me, if not ME)
I'm trying to avoid getting dragged into rhetoric and I am fine with everyone expressing their views. In fact I feel like I'm sitting in the eye of the hurricane, where the leaves are barely rustling above my head. But I can tell people are still mystified, as I was, and still am. I don't feel qualified to pronounce any definitive answers as the Mickel Therapy (MT) is still a work in progress for me.
However, I thought I'd lasso a few truths and clarify them for myself. I don't wish to sound defensive - it's more a case of 'these things I know' (or at least I think I do...)
1) I know how disconcerting it is when you have tried hundreds of treatments without any success and someone suggests you should try an expensive one, and - guess what - it sounds the most implausible of all. It sounds just plain wrong. Of course you think, No Siree!
2) Phases of illness - Regular readers may know that I have been ill with ME for 20 years and my worst phases left me bed bound for two separate episodes of 4 years each. In the beginning the severity was almost beyond words. It was like a living death - I couldn't hold a knife and fork, wash my own hair, talk, watch TV, bear light or sound. I was in agonising head pain and felt 'poisoned' to death every waking moment. I was 7 stone and had involuntary muscle twitches, strobe-like flickering behind my eyes, new onset eczema etc, etc. You get the picture.
3) Price - I know it is expensive. MT folk are lobbying for trials to try and get it on the NHS (some ME folk are against this, but I think if it was free, there would be nothing to lose, for those who want to risk trying it). Anecdotally I hear that some therapists do give clients a discount after a few sessions. I hear that the MT/RT companies have a lot of running costs. If I took all the money I've lost over the years on trying a 101 things, it would pay for MT, and at least I am seeing some results, where before I saw none. (Pauses to remember dosh wasted on homeopathy, acupuncture, supplements ad infinitum, faith healers, some weird guru who cut off my hair and analysed it for cellular injuries?!)
4) Looking back on my first two sessions, my therapist said my face was 'a picture of complete doubt'. Yup. I was asked to 'suspend my disbelief' and try to follow the new theories in small ways. It is not about forcing or pushing. That is all I tried to do in the beginning. It was very slow, frustratingly slow, but I started to see pockets or small 'shifts', where I didn't feel as ill as I thought I would in the usual circumstances.
Okay...I'm beginning to feel uneasy as if I've fallen into trying to defend my status-quo, and defensiveness is unrelaxing. (If you live by the blog, you die by the blog, said Nice Man cheerfully). So I'll leave it here for now. I hope I make more progress, so I'll be able to consolidate what I'm trying to say. So I can talk the talk, then walk the walk.
Monday, May 21, 2007
A Highland Wedding
